S+ Code and Packages

MCMC S+ Code: Some Standard Item Response Models

Simulate dichotomous item response data:

My (32bits Windows XP or higher) Splus package MLIRT 2.0 will run in Tibco Spotfire S+ 8.0 (or higher, Tibco Spotfire S+). Install: Download the file and copy it to the Splus local library  folder; ..\Program Files(x86)\TIBCO\splus80\local\library\. To work with packages in S+ download and install the pkgutils library; install.pkgutils(update=T), then library(pkgutils) will make all functions available. To install the mlirt package (using the mentioned path specification) use the command install.packages(“mlirt”,lib=file.path(“local”)). With library(MLIRT) all functions are available. This updated version includes the randomized response component for sensitive measurements.

Download: S+ Package MLIRT 2.0

The version below includes the computation of loglikelihoods (IRT component and MLIRT)

Download: S+ Package MLIRT 2.0 (Full Version)